Nicolás González Cuéllar

Socio - Fundador

NICOLAS GONZÁLEZ-CUÉLLAR SERRANO NICOLÁS GONZÁLEZ-CUÉLLAR SERRANO is a practicing lawyer and Professor of Procedural Law at the Social and Legal Sciences Faculty of the Castilla La Mancha University. He is the author of numerous works that include monographies, books chapters and articles in specialized journals. His first publication was his doctoral thesis “Proportionality and Fundamental Rights in the Criminal Proceeding” (1990), being the last one a book, entitled “Echoes of Inquisition” (2014). Doctor in Law by the Autonomous University of Madrid, has also participated in the faculty of the University of Alicante and the Carlos III University in Madrid. Besides, he has given multiples lectures in numerous Spanish and Ibero-American universities and institutions, and is responsible for the European and International Permanent Observatory of Civil and Criminal Justice at the UCLM. 

Nicolás González-Cuéllar Serrano has also worked on various legislative reforms carried by the Spanish Ministry of Justice. As such, he has been member of the commission that in 2013 prepared the Proposal for a new Criminal Procedural Code. He directs González-Cuéllar Abogados, specialized in disputes related with Criminal Economic Law, Business Law and Commercial Law. He also chairs Controlcrim Empresas, entity dedicated to criminal prevention in the corporative arena, and the editorial Ediciones Jurídicas Castillo de Luna. By Royal Decree 497/2013, he was bestowed with the Cruz de Peñafort, the highest honor for legal merit.